Winter mixed salad

Low calorie starter

Winter mixed salad

Recipe for 4 servings (38 Kcal / serving without the dressing)

25 min preparation time





  • 100 g of cooked red beetroot

  • 100 g of celeriac

  • 200 g of endives

  • 150 g of apples

  • 1 lemon

  • 16 walnut kernels

  • Parsley, chopped tarragon, paprika, salt, pepper

  • Make a horseradish salad dressing

  • For the horseradish salad dressing :

  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar

  • 1 teaspoon of mustard

  • 2 teaspoons of horseradish

  • Mix all the ingredients


Peel, wash, grate the celeriac and the apple while adding the lemon juice

Clean the endives

Cut the endives into pieces, the beetroots into dice

On the serving dish, dispose the endives, celeriac and beetroots

Decorate with the walnut kernels

Pour the horseradish salad dressing



Great the beetroots

Mince the endive leaves and mix all the ingredients

Season with the horseradish salad dressing

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