Tuna Tomatoes

Low calorie starter

Tuna Tomatoes

Recipe for 4 servings (107 Kcal / serving)

20 min preparation time





  • 4 big tomatoes (600 g)

  • 1 hard-boiled egg

  • 100 g of natural tuna or tinned salmon or fresh

  • 1 teaspoon of mustard

  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar or half a lemon juice

  • Chopped parsley, capers

  • Salt, pepper


With a sharp knife, remove a small slice on the top of each tomato

Empty the inside carefully

Mix the tuna, the hard-boiled egg, the spices and the herbs to obtain a stuffing

Fill the tomatoes with the preparation and serve them garnished with capers



Add some yoghurt to the stuffing


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