Red beet and apple salad

Low calorie starter

Red beet and apple salad

Recipe for 4 servings (65 Kcal / serving)

20 min preparation time - 40 min cooking time with a pressure cooker if the beet is raw



  • 400 g of cooked red beet (faster) or to be cooked

  • 150 g of apples

  • Lemon sauce


  • For the lemon sauce

    • 1 lemon juice

    • 1/2 a glace of water

    • 1/2 teaspoon of strong mustard

    • 1 chopped shallot

    • Chopped parsley

    • Salt, peper

Mix all the ingredients of the lemon sauce


Wash and cook the beet for 40 minutes in a pressure cooker

Peel and cut the cooked beet into cubes or strips, slice the apples previously peeled and cut into quarters

If the beet is raw, grate it an grate the apples

Season with the lemon sauce



Replace the beet with :

  • Carrots,

  • Raw button mushrooms

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